Digital Mammography with 3D Tomosynthesis
What Should I bring to my appointment?
Bring the prescription from your physician and any insurance information including your referral or pre-certification on the day of your appointment. If you do not bring this information, we will have to reschedule your appointment.
Please remember to bring or send any previous test results, films or cd’s.
Arrive 15 minutes ahead of time to fill out forms, unless you have already filled them out.
We ask many questions about your medical history. This aids the radiologist in making the best diagnosis and determine any health risks.
Mammography Screening
When you walk through our doors, you’ll feel the difference. From the waterfall in the waiting room to your exam room, you will feel a calming effect that is not present at other multi-modality centers. Your screening on one day a year does not end when you walk out of the office.
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 8:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
We offer Digital Mammography with CAD, it’s the latest technology in breast imaging. It has high-speed digital imaging with a zoom lens to produce images of the breast with greater accuracy and clarity than older digital or film mammography. The system also uses the lowest possible dose of radiation and has compression paddles that adapt to each patient’s unique breast size and density to provide the utmost comfort during the screening. See Mammography Prepreparation
Diagnostic Mammography
Diagnostic mammography is a radiological study of the breast(s) to evaluate signs or symptoms of a breast disorder or screening-detected abnormalities. Diagnostic mammography may also be performed on individuals with a history of breast cancer.
The diagnostic mammogram includes additional views of the breast and may also include automated 3D breast ultrasound (ABUS) and possibly breast MRI. This is because women receiving diagnostic mammograms are experiencing a problem, maybe a lump, nipple discharge or pain, or were advised to go for additional testing after a screening mammography. A diagnostic mammogram is used to find and diagnose any concerns.
A radiologist will read the diagnostic mammogram as soon as it is completed. Women receiving diagnostic mammograms may be asked to remain at our mammography facility until they receive an answer regarding their test results. See Breast Biopsy, See Mammography Prepreparation
When should I get my first mammography?
Will I feel pain?
Does breast size matter?
How do I get my films from my old facility?
How long will the screening take?
Mammography Preparation:
Please try to schedule your mammogram just after your menstrual period.
For all breast diagnostic and intervention procedures, please do not use deodorant, powders or lotions under the arms or near the breast prior to the examination. These products can actually have a negative effect on the X-ray making them more difficult to view and interpret.
Please remember to bring or send any previous test results, films or cd’s.
Arrive 15 minutes ahead of time to fill out forms, unless you have already filled them out. We ask many questions about your medical history so we can access your breast cancer risk.
No baby powder or deodorant under the armpits and breast the day of the examination.
Wear a two (2) piece outfit, e.g pants and blouse.
Avoid any items such as coffee, soda, tea and chocolate that contain caffeine for three (3) days prior to examination.
Bring Prior Mammography films or cd with you on the day of examination for comparison.
If patient is still menstruating, schedule appointment 7 to 10 days after menstruation starts.
Frequently Asked Questions:
When should I go for my first mammography?
When you reach 40, you need to schedule a screening. If there is history of breast disease in your family, your doctor may want you to schedule much earlier. You are never too old to go for breast screening. Never let your age prevent you from seeking a mammography.
Will I feel pain?
With our advanced digital mammography equipment your screening is over in a matter of a few minutes. A facility with old fashioned film mammography will have a much longer scan time. It’s still not fun but most women can easily handle the slight discomfort of the procedure.
Does breast size matter in terms of my procedure?
That’s a great question. Our unique equipment compensates for each breast both in size and ethnicity. That’s right; ethnicity enters into the picture and so does breast density. Our mammography equipment actually interprets – through our technologist – the breast it will be screening and makes adjustments that make the scan easier, quicker and more complete. You always want to make sure all the views are clear and true and, sometimes with dense breasts, that can be a problem…but not with our specialized equipment. Our automated 3D breast ultrasound or (ABUS) scans the breast giving the Radiologist additional information to make an accurate diagnosis.
How do I get my films from the facility where I have had mammograms in the past?
Just call your previous facility prior to your appointment with us and request a copy or a cd of your films. They will advise you when your film/cd is ready to be picked up. Bring them along to your appointment at Women’s Healthcare Imaging.
How long will the screening take?
The screening itself takes just a few minutes. Our mammography equipment is very fast, safe and efficient.
Breast Biopsy
To determine whether any abnormalities are cancerous, a biopsy procedure removes a small amount of tissue from the breast to be examined by a pathologist and diagnosed. We provide fine needle and core needle biopsy procedures by expert physicians.
Fine Needle Biopsy
Fine needle is the least invasive method of biopsy. First, the breast is numbed and then the surgeon or the radiologist will use a thin needle to remove a sample of cells from the area. Often times, the surgeon will be guided by a lump. On other occasions, diagnostic imaging studies may be needed to guide the needle to the correct location.
Core Needle Biopsy
Core needle uses a larger hollow needle to remove several cylinder-shaped samples of tissue from the suspicious area. In some cases, multiple samples are taken to ensure proper diagnosis.
Biopsy Results
In the case of biopsy results, your physician will be notified within 48-72 hours. Your physician is your key contact after all procedures are completed.
Patient Biopsy Preparation
Stop aspirin 7-10 days prior to the biopsy or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents for 3 days prior to the biopsy.
If you take a blood thinner such as coumadin, heparin or other anticoagulants, please tell our staff so we can coordinate discontinuance of the medication and pre-biopsy blood work with your physician.
If you have any medical condition, please let us know.
Eat a light breakfast on the morning of your appointment.
Bring the prescription from your physician and any insurance information including your referral or pre-certification on the day of your appointment. If you do not bring this information, we will have to reschedule your appointment.